Custom Design and Manufacture
High Volume Products

We offer a custom development service for all types of interface or protocol converters, incorporating RS232, RS422, RS485, USB or fibre interfaces. Illustrated are examples of some custom designs: inline moulded converters that are extremely competitively priced. Most are based on the K2-ADE. The ticketing machine on every bus in Berlin uses a KK custom interface converter. To achieve a very low price, parts of the manufacturing process are carried out in the Far East using our own test equipment.

Some of our custom isolated converters use specialised design techniques to achieve high data rates together with high isolation and low power consumption. This is one RS232 to 2-wire RS485 converter which uses 10kV-rated BASEEFA parts and runs up to 38400 baud.

We have also developed several custom versions of our USB-485 converter. This is one example which has high voltage isolation suitable for reinforced isolation requirements for 3 phase 415V AC supplies. It is extremely competitively priced.
Custom Protocol Converters
These are usually based on the KD485-PROG and occasionally on the PPC.
We have considerable expertise in the development of protocol converters involving various protocols including both MODBUS RTU Master and MODBUS RTU Slave. The software is developed to an agreed specification and can be tested using customer's loan equipment. The customer normally receives the full sources and subject to the purchase of the KD485 C COMPILER / MODBUS LIBRARY is able to maintain the program in-house.
Our protocol converters are used throughout industry, in diverse applications ranging from oil rigs, through machine control, to wind turbines.